About Us
- We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and share in ministry with its Central/Southern Illinois Synod.
- Our mission and vision is: God calls Trinity Lutheran Church to WELCOME, NURTURE, and SERVE people in Christ's name, and to do so in relational, intentional, and relevant ways.
- We worship every Sunday at 10:00am, with a livestream available on our Watch Worship page. You can watch our past services on our church Facebook page.
- Sunday School is at 9:30am each week during the school year for children age 3 and up, and the Adult Forum Bible study group meets each Sunday at 11:15am.
- Rejoicing Spirits, our service of "Shush-Free Worship for All Abilities", is on the third Sunday of each month at 3:00pm.
- The building is accessible, and hearing assistance devices are available.
- Child and family amenities are available, including a Family Room that provides a convenient, private space for nursing, diaper changes, and other family needs.
Map & Contact
Church Office Hours: 8am-1pm, Monday-Friday
Office Phone: (309) 647-0724
Office Phone: (309) 647-0724
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What Is Worship Like at Trinity?
Trinity is a friendly, loving community of people who love following Jesus! People are very likely to greet you and say hello, and our ushers are glad to help you find a seat. We also enjoy laughing and having a good time, and we do a lot of that during worship. Some people dress up for church, but most do not - we welcome you to come as you are!
Our Sunday morning worship format follows the traditional liturgy that Christians have used for centuries, with words and songs right from the Bible - we even put the Bible references right in the bulletin to help everyone learn where these traditions came from! Pastor Micah preaches a focused (10-15 minutes) sermon with an illustration and study on one of the week's Bible readings. We appreciate creativity in sharing God's Word, and we celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. We also get our Sunday School kids involved with the service by having processions and giving them opportunities to serve as worship helpers.
If you are looking for a different kind of service, or are better able to attend a worship service on Sunday afternoon than on Sunday morning, check out our Rejoicing Spirits service on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:00pm! This unique worship gathering is unlike any other offered in our area - it's a little chaotic, very musical, and really joyful! Learn more on our Rejoicing Spirits page.
If you are curious about becoming a Christian, Pastor Micah is happy to talk with you and answer (or at least attempt to answer) any questions you have! Now is a great time to begin your faith journey with Trinity! Click the button below to learn more about what we believe.
Our Sunday morning worship format follows the traditional liturgy that Christians have used for centuries, with words and songs right from the Bible - we even put the Bible references right in the bulletin to help everyone learn where these traditions came from! Pastor Micah preaches a focused (10-15 minutes) sermon with an illustration and study on one of the week's Bible readings. We appreciate creativity in sharing God's Word, and we celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. We also get our Sunday School kids involved with the service by having processions and giving them opportunities to serve as worship helpers.
If you are looking for a different kind of service, or are better able to attend a worship service on Sunday afternoon than on Sunday morning, check out our Rejoicing Spirits service on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:00pm! This unique worship gathering is unlike any other offered in our area - it's a little chaotic, very musical, and really joyful! Learn more on our Rejoicing Spirits page.
If you are curious about becoming a Christian, Pastor Micah is happy to talk with you and answer (or at least attempt to answer) any questions you have! Now is a great time to begin your faith journey with Trinity! Click the button below to learn more about what we believe.
Church Leadership
Church Council
Ministry Leaders
- Pastor: Rev. Micah Garnett
- Secretary: Sue Freeman
- Organist: Richard Etter
Church Council
- President: Kim Gillam
- Vice President: Bill Whitehouse
- Secretaries: Kathy Clifford & Angie Courtois
- Treasurer: Susan Yontz
- Jim Forquer
- Gordon Freeman
- Allie Goudy
- Diane Hostettler
Ministry Leaders
- Christian Education: Diane Hostettler
- Hospitality: Michele Scharping
- Music Director: Jean Sprecher
- Visioning: Kim Gillam