God's Work, Our Hands Sunday Returns September 8!
Each year, our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America holds a nationwide day of service called "God's Work, Our Hands Sunday." Trinity will be making "Adopt-a-Cat" Packs for the Humane Society of Fulton County during the WELCOME & SERVE Sunday School at 10:15am. Later in the day, our Northern Conference will gather volunteers from many congregations for five projects in Peoria. Use the form below to sign up to work and/or donate materials for the projects!
God's Work, Our Hands Sunday 2018
Trinity and our Northern Conference celebrated the ELCA God's Work, Our Hands Sunday national day of service on Sunday, September 9! Our Trinity project took place after worship as we made Teacher Appreciation Packs for teachers at Westview School here in Canton, a project powered by Thrivent Action Teams! Later in the day, our Northern Conference got together for afternoon projects in Bartonville and Peoria--God did a lot of great work through the hands of local Lutherans this year!
- Park Cleanup @ Alpha Park, Bartonville (hosted by Bethel Lutheran Church, Bartonville)
- Birthday Bag Assembly @ First English Lutheran Church, Peoria
- Peoria East Bluff Yard Cleanup (hosted by First English Lutheran Church, Peoria & Lawn Order Academy of Peoria)
- Global Health Ministries Rolled Bandage Project @ Grace and Peace Lutheran Church, Peoria
God's Work, Our Hands Sunday 2017
Our Northern Conference joined forces on September 17, 2017 for the ELCA God's Work, Our Hands Sunday national day of service, serving in the following projects:
- Camp Maintenance @ Camp Kearney - Several people helped to clear brush and maintain South Side Mission's Camp Kearney, which provides a great camping experience for kids who would otherwise be unable to experience God’s beautiful creation!
- Global Health Ministries Rolled Bandage Project @ Grace and Peace Lutheran Church, Peoria - Many Peoria-area Lutherans got together to pack bandages for use in hospitals in Madagascar.
- Greeting Cards @ St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Glasford - Members of several Northern Conference congregations got together to make greeting cards for local first responders and Canton Meals on Wheels recipients!